UAP Qatar Chapter
FY 2024-2025
Membership Drive has commenced!
Membership open!
Filipino Architects can join the UAP Qatar Chapter this Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to be a member in 'good standing.'
Regular Members
Please pay attention to the scheduled dates for the Membership Drive, as we will be following the dates strictly. Kindly settle your Chapter Dues amounting to QAR 180 BEFORE paying the UAP Annual National Membership Dues. For inactive members who did not renew membership last Fiscal Year, you will be incurring a penalty of QAR 70 if you still have not settled your dues by July 14th 2022 – please note that the penalty for chapter back due was already announced last fiscal year. Please check your email for the membership payment details. For new members, please contact the Membership Committee. After payment, carefully fill-out the online form provided in the link below. NO ONLINE FORM = NO APPLICATION Even though you have paid your dues, we will not be able to consider your application, if you have not accomplished the online form since it will not reflect in our records. After your payment has been cleared and received by the treasurer, you will be receiving an email that you may now log in to your account using this link: http://membership.unitedarchitects.ph/uap.2/ to proceed with the payment of the UAP Annual National Membership Dues. See our FAQs for the new process for UAP Annual National Membership Dues and how to download your IAPOA-COGS and receipt. We would like to remind our dear professionals that IAPOA-COGS and IAPOA receipt is a requirement to renew your PRC License. Please make sure you have settled your Chapter and National dues and you have both your IAPOA-COGS and IAPOA receipt before scheduling for PRC License renewal. We will no longer entertain requests to expedite an application excluding requests with valid reasons.